
You can´t Beat the System, objekt av Anna Stina Rehnström. Slipshållare, slips, hemmabyggd låda där slipsen med sagda inskription släpas runt, runt, in i mörkret och ut i smutsen på golvet From the solo show Game Over at Nationalgalleriet 1993 A tie with the quoted text goes round and round into the cave and out, sweeping the dirt on the floor before disapearing into the darkness... From the solo show Game Over at Nationalgalleriet 1993 A tie with the quoted text goes round and round into the cave and out, sweeping the dirt on the floor before disapearing into the darkness...

You can´t Beat the System, objekt av Anna Stina Rehnström. Slipshållare, slips, hemmabyggd låda där slipsen med sagda inskription släpas runt, runt, in i mörkret och ut i smutsen på golvet

From the solo show Game Over at Nationalgalleriet 1993

A tie with the quoted text goes round and round into the cave and out, sweeping the dirt on the floor before disapearing into the darkness…

From the solo show Game Over at Nationalgalleriet 1993

A tie with the quoted text goes round and round into the cave and out, sweeping the dirt on the floor before disapearing into the darkness…